ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Congratulations to Christopher Davis, Manager of Maintenance Operations and Carmelo Orlando, Postmaster at the United States Postal Service in Ann Arbor, for receiving the ESGR Patriot Award July 10.
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SOUTHFIELD, Mich. - Vice President of Human Resources and Labor Relations Sam Veltri at Barton Malow in Southfield, received the ESGR Patriot Award recently. Veltri was nominated by Maj. Hernando C. Flowers, U.S. Army Reserve and Workforce Development Manager at Barton Malow.
YPSILANTI, Mich. – Ruth Kraut and Jane Nickert at the Washtenaw County Health Department were presented with the ESGR Patriot Award recently. These two outstanding supervisors were nominated by Kelly Hock, spouse of Cpl. Jacob Hock, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve.
ANN ARBOR, Mich - Congratulations to Timothy Moore, property manager at Atria Park Business Center in Ann Arbor, for receiving the ESGR Patriot award recently. Moore was nominated by Sgt. Matthew Padley of the Army National Guard.
ST. PAUL, Minn. – U.S. Army Reserve Cpl. Farah Magale presented the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Patriot Award to his manager, Nick Wanka and team lead supervisor, Kailee Potocnik. The award was presented July 24 in the Minnesota Attorney General offices.
WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. – Pennsylvania Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), an office of the Department of Defense, announced that Lycoming County SPCA supervisor recently received a Patriot Award in recognition of extraordinary support of employees serving in the Guard and Reserve.
MANKATO, Minn. – Minnesota Army National Guard 2nd Lt. Theriault, 257 Military Police Company,) and Spc. Emily Susa, 34 Military Police Company (ARNG) each presented an Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Patriot Award to their employment supervisor, Police Commander Adam Gray.
VIRGINIA, Minn. – Minnesota Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) State Chair Chad Sackett conducted a ESGR Statement of Support signing with U. S. Steel Minnesota Ore Operations June 27.