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ESGR in the News

Entries for ' PAESGR'

Comcast Supervisor honored by Department of Defense for patriotic support

PHILADELPHIA – Pennsylvania Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), an office of the Department of Defense, announced that a Comcast supervisor recently received a Patriot Award in recognition of extraordinary support of employees serving in the Guard and Reserve.

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Patriot Award, ESGR, comcast, PAESGR, Paula Bobish COMCAST
Posted in: Pennsylvania
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Fulton Bank Supervisor honored by Department of Defense for patriotic support

LANCASTER, Pa. – Pennsylvania Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), an office of the Department of Defense, announced that Fulton Bank recently received a Patriot Award in recognition of extraordinary support of employees serving in the Guard and Reserve.

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Patriot Award, ESGR, PAESGR, Fulton Bank
Posted in: Pennsylvania
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MYCO Mechanical Leadership honored by Department of Defense for patriotic support

TELFORD, Pa. – Pennsylvania Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), an office of the Department of Defense, announced that Inspiring MYCO Mechanical leadership recently received a Patriot Awards in recognition of extraordinary support of employees serving in the Guard and Reserve.

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Patriot Award, Statement of Support, ESGR, PAESGR, MYCO Mechanical
Posted in: Pennsylvania
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Sensenich Propeller Services Personnel honored by Department of Defense for patriotic support

LITITZ, Pa. – Pennsylvania Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), an office of the Department of Defense, announced that Sensenich Propeller Services General Manager and Shop Foreman were recently received a Patriot Award in recognition of extraordinary support of employees serving in the Guard and Reserve.

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Patriot Award, Statement of Support, ESGR, PAESGR, Propeller Services Pa
Posted in: Pennsylvania
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Inspiring Synergy Owner honored by Department of Defense for patriotic support
WARRINGTON, Pa. – Pennsylvania Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), an office of the Department of Defense, announced that Inspirin...

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Patriot Award, Statement of Support, ESGR, PAESGR, Inspiring Synergy Yoga, Yoga, 2nd Inf BCT
Posted in: Pennsylvania
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St Luke’s University Hospital supervisor honored by Department of Defense for patriotic support

EAST STROUDSBURG, Pa. – Pennsylvania Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), an office of the Department of Defense, announced that St Luke’s University Health Network recently received a Patriot Award in recognition of extraordinary support of employees serving in the Guard and Reserve.

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Patriot Award, Statement of Support, ESGR, PAESGR, St Luke's Univ Health
Posted in: Pennsylvania
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Walmart Pharmacy Supervisor honored by Department of Defense for patriotic support

WAYNESBORO, Pa. – Pennsylvania Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), an office of the Department of Defense, announced that Walmart Pharmacy recently received a Patriot Award in recognition of extraordinary support of employees serving in the Guard and Reserve.

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Patriot Award, ESGR, Walmart, USAFR, , PAESGR, Walmart Pharmacy PA
Posted in: Pennsylvania
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