ISHPEMING, Mich - Two Supervisors at the Cleveland Cliffs Tilden Mine in Ishpeming, MI were presented with the ESGR Patriot Award on Veterans Day. Liisa Syrjala and Michelle Seibert were nominated by Sergeant First Class Kyle Gawry of the Army National Guard.
About Lissa Sgt. 1st Class Gawry stated, she "has always been more than happy to help; making sure when I have to leave for the military she has all the necessary paperwork and documentation to ensure there's no issues while I'm gone and when I get back. She directly helps with my differential pay and forwarding it to the correct people and ensuring it is paid out." He goes on to say that she "has also been welcoming and personable when there's been miscommunications in my military schedule. Always asking how I'm doing by either calling or asking me to come to her office and to ensure clear communication and scheduling issues get resolved."
Regarding Michelle, Sgt 1st Class Gawry said she "has been very helpful while I have been gone for the military by ensuring I'm kept up to date on vacation scheduling and work area selection for the year. She has ensured my selections and my seniority are taken into consideration even when I'm gone."
Thank you Liisa and Michelle for supporting our service members. Presenting the award is ESGR U.P. Area Chair Pamela Basal.